Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cold Cave - Love Comes Close

Wes Eisold, of American Nightmare/Some Girls fame, is now making some pretty sweet electronic pop in the vein of early New Order. I honestly wouldn't have checked this out if it wasn't for this article in Philly Weekly and the fact that I have been listening to "Background Music" for a month straight.

Apparently named after Eisold's drafty loft apartment, Cold Cave is worlds apart from the chest beating rage that defined American Nightmare and Some Girls. It's a pop band, albeit one with few hooks, but a pop band nonetheless. The song "Life Magazine" was featured in some car commercial or something. I don't know, I don't pay for television. The girl singing? That's Caralee McElroy of Xiu Xiu.

"Love Comes Close" is a good place to start for casual listeners. The album reeks late 80s electronic Brit-pop, especially on the droning "Heaven Was Full" where Eisold does his best Ian Curtis impersonation. Get into it.



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